Josiah's Great Aunt Kathy works for babboni photography and they are having a cutest baby contest. Below is how you can not only view 4 photos taken but also vote for Josiah! The child with the most votes wins! Go Josiah! You can only vote for one picture so chose wisely! (Sorry it's a lot of steps!)
Clink on the below link and then do the following: on "Cutest USA baby contest"
2. Click "Enter site"and then click on "Special Services"
3. Enter session ID: USABABY_promo
4. Josiah is on page 29
2. Click on
one picture you want to vote for. on "VOTE Cutest" under Portrait pricing and click "Add to shopping cart"
3. select"check out" and complete the personal information including your e-mail
4. In the payment portion put all 0's for your credit card number and verification number.
5. click "continue" and then "confirm order"
You will not be charged for anything!