Four Little Men

Four Little Men

Monday, April 18, 2011

Week 2: Aunt Becky and Cousins come!

Hi! I'm two weeks old now!

My wonderful sister and her kids came for the week! Most of our week was actually very calm...

But there were also many moments that were like this...
and this...

All in all though we did great and the cousins had a GREAT time playing together!

Grandma and Grandpa got in on a little of the visit too!

And here is some pictures of all the cousin fun! Of course there were many more "Kodak" moments but Becky and I were so busy doing crowd control we missed some of those!

We went to the CHildren's Museum. Here Josiah and Jonny are planting trees. Notice the position of Jack's tree below. Guess who won't be helping me garden this spring?

Look at this sweet bunny!

1 comment:

Becky said...

We had soooo much fun!!! Thanks for everything. I love the picture of all the kids going crazy. So funny...and I am going to have to steal the picture of that sweet bunny. We miss you already and can't wait for our next crazy get together.