Four Little Men

Four Little Men

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Birthday part two...

Grandpa and Grandma came after Josiah's birthday to celebrate with him and help me watch the boys while I worked at the State Fair.
Jack and Grandpa got some good bonding time in this visit.

Josiah doing what every good boy does...reading the card first and pretending to care while eying his present!

Josiah getting his first set of blocks!

Josiah has really been into baseball this summer thanks to his dad's weekly softball games. He got his first bat and and ball tee. He has a way to go on his skills but loves trying to hit his ball!

Grandpa giving Josiah some tips.

Josiah running to get his ball WHILE holding his bat.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Another toy that Jonathan and Josiah have in common =) But we don't have that cool bike. Watch out Joey! Jonathan will try to steal that when he sees it.